Rome (Empire Divided)

  • Defenders of Civilisation: +15% morale for all units during battles in own or allied territory
  • True Rome: Roman factions share a major diplomatic penalty with other Roman factions


When Aurelian was hailed by the army as Emperor, he had to deal with the worst of the crisis. The eastern and western provinces both had declared autonomy, while in Rome the Senate supported Quintillus as pretender to the throne. Attacked from all sides by external enemies, plagued by instability and with the economy failing, Aurelian had the impossible task of rebuilding the Empire into the dominant force it was always meant to be.


  • Iron Fist: -50% resistance to foreign occupation
  • Marching Orders: +15% movement range for all armies
Starting Region(s)
Apollonia Apollonia Pontica Aquincum Athenae Carthago Cyrene Dyrrachium Gortyna Hadrumentum Leptis Magna Naissos Narona Noreia Odessos Pharsalus Salona Sirmium Siscia Sparta Syrtis Thessalonica Trimontium Zarmizegetusa